Local landscape lighting contractor or national brand?
June 28, 2017
Should I use a local landscape lighting contractor or national brand?
Choosing a landscape lighting contractor can be a difficult decision, with so many things for homeowners to consider. Some of these things we discussed in a blog post recently, that glosses over some of the more important things for homeowners to consider when selecting a qualified contractor. You can read that blog post titled “Selecting a landscape lighting contractor” here.
Something that our previous post does not touch on is the choice homeowners have between selecting a national or franchised landscape lighting contractor over a local, independently run company like S&M Landscape Lighting.
So what are the differences that a homeowner can expect when sourcing a local, dedicated landscape lighting contractor over a national franchise?
When we started S&M Landscape Lighting over ten-years ago in Hillsborough, New Jersey, we did so with the intentions to become the premiere landscape lighting contractor in the country. We studied lighting techniques, we sourced hundreds of manufacturers of fixtures and lamps, we created a culture that would never allow us to rest on our laurels and we committed to creating unique and awe-inspiring night-scenes at each of our client’s homes.
These commitments have been the driving force behind the growth of S&M Landscape Lighting and our ability to consistently gain market share in an industry that is overrun with DIY manufacturers, national franchises and landscape or irrigation companies that sell their existing clients on their ability to create something unique, but often under-deliver.
S&M will never have the type of marketing budget that a national franchise will have. In fact, we do very little marketing. We also only use photos of our own actual work when we are consulting with potential clients and on our website. The fixtures we use have been created with our input, specifically for us and without a contract. This means if the quality of the fixtures we use ever falls below our standards, which are the absolute best, then we will find and create another line of fixtures with a different manufacturing partner to ensure our clients never need to install another lighting system. This is how S&M Landscape lighting does business and why we are a growing independently owned small business that is dedicated to outdoor lighting.
Most franchised landscape lighting companies are given a template website, photos of projects designed and installed by other contractors operating under their franchise and given instructions on how to sell, design and install outdoor lighting systems. They have little to no say on the fixtures they use, which are manufactured in a way to help them sell more jobs by cutting costs instead of being manufactured to last. Their marketing budgets are massive, which allows them to gain audience with prospective buyers, but this also means they need to sell as many jobs as they can to help them pad their earnings for their marketing and franchise payments. The “contractors” that have purchased these franchises do not need to have any experience at all. Even in New Jersey where you need an electrical license to install low-voltage lighting, you don’t need any electrical experience whatsoever to purchase a franchise. Do you have the money to purchase a franchised landscape lighting company? Congratulations, you are now a landscape lighting designer.
When homeowners are considering which landscape lighting contractor to hire, they should consider asking their contractors for pictures of their own work (along with proof it was them who installed it), how long they have been designing and installing landscape lighting for their company (and how long the person who owned it before them did it), if their fixtures come with any warranties and contact information for satisfied clients.
Unfortunately, a large part of our own business is redesigning, reinstalling or replacing entirely cookie-cutter installations with sub-par fixtures, sometimes only a year or two after they were installed by our franchised competitors.
S&M Landscape Lighting will continue to perfect the art of landscape lighting with our experienced and dedicated technicians and elevated standards, ensuring that our clients will never have to install another lighting system in their home.
To learn about how S&M Landscape Lighting can help to transform your home, landscaping, pool, patio, deck or outdoor living area with a tastefully designed low-voltage lighting system, visit our contact page here or call (908) 369-7791.
S&M Landscape Lighting has been operating out of Hillsborough, New Jersey and serving clients in the surrounding areas for over ten-years.